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Embedded Recruitment

Our Embedded Recruitment provides tailored, flexible support, integrating seamlessly into your team to lead or enhance your recruitment process with a strong focus on equity and inclusivity.

our model

Think of our Embedded Recruiter as your talent-finding superhero, swooping in to revamp your hiring from the inside out. We're not just filling roles; we're embedding ourselves into the heart of your culture and turbocharging your hiring process from A to Z.

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Easy Start

Need someone to dive in tomorrow? We got you. A simple, 30 minute chat is all we need to get the ball rolling.

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Simple Pricing

We offer a simple and transparent hourly rate with discounts for long-term contracts.



Things change! Scale up or scale down depending on your evolving needs and we'll quickly adjust on our end.

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Tech Access

Why spend thousands of extra dollars on recruitment platforms and tech when you can use ours?



Reduce your time, costs, training time, and hassle of hiring full-time, in-house recruiters

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Full Cycle

We audit your process, learn the culture, and lead full-cycle hiring up to and including onboarding if needed.

Imagine having a recruitment dream team at your fingertips, without the overhead drama.


Schedule a 30 minute call to discuss your hiring needs


Kickoff with your Imagine Talent Partner & immerse them in your org


Relax and leave the hiring to us - start to finish!

how it works

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our candidates say

At Imagine, we prioritize a candidate-centered approach, setting us apart from traditional search firms. We understand that a positive and efficient interview experience is crucial, as it significantly influences candidates' job offer decisions.


Our commitment to human-centered hiring, anti-racism, transparency, and the use of technology ensures an inclusive, respectful, and responsive process for every candidate.

Executive Director

"Your commitment to diversity and equity in your search processes is remarkable."

Working with Impactful Leaders & Teams

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